By exercising regularly and following a combined programme that includes both resistance and cardio training you can enjoy long term health benefits.
Swimming is not just a great all-round activity because it keeps your heart rate up and takes some of the impact stress off your body but also because it builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness. Swimming helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs as well as tones muscles and builds strength in the body.
Swimming --there's really nothing like it to combine nature, health, fitness, mental clarity and that pure blissed out feeling of lying on your back, floating in the sun. CNN
The health benefit that is associated with swimming as regards to weight loss is so numerous that we can simply say it provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles are used during swimming.
Swimming has many other benefits including:

- being a relaxing and peaceful form of exercise
- alleviating stress
- improving coordination, balance and posture
- improving flexibility
- providing good low-impact therapy for some minor injuries and conditions
- providing a pleasant way to cool down on a hot day
- availability in many places – i.e you can swim at the beach, swimming pools, lakes, dams and rivers provided the environment is safe and the water hygienic.
Swimming works your whole body, improving cardiovascular conditioning, muscle strength, endurance, posture, and flexibility all at the same time.
Why You Should start swimming today?
For you to start enjoying all the great benefits of swimming one of which is burning of calories, you need to know the following facts about swimming:IT’S A GREAT WAY TO BURN CALORIES
You can actually burn as much as 585 calories per hour with breaststroke, 540 calories per hour with backstroke, and 784 calories per hour with butterfly at a moderate to vigorous pace. That’s because one hour of moderate swimming can burn enough calories to make you lose weight fast.IT’S A TOTAL-BODY WORKOUT
If you're looking for a full-body workout, swimming may be the answer, especially if you're looking to lose weight. Swimming tackles everything from shaping your back to toning your arms—all without having to pick up a weight. Rather than requiring a plan to work specific muscles, all four strokes (breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, and freestyle) work to strengthen your entire body.Swimming offers a low-impact aerobic workout that allows you to get your heart rate up without putting pressure on your joints, making it a great workout for those who are overweight or in whom weight-bearing exercise is contraindicated.
It's obvious that swimming can strengthen your arms, legs, shoulders, and glutes, and also benefits your core. Water is 724 times more dense than air and provides a constant and consistent resistance that forces the entire body to get involved in creating forward momentum. The core, which holds everything together, gets amazing toning in the process, without a single crunch or sit-up.
Swimming does not discriminate. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or you’re overweight, you can swim and you won’t feel any pain on the joints. Swimming at a slow pace will burn off 333 calories in 45 minutes. If you’re recovering from an injury and are eager to build strength, then look into starting a swimming routine to stay fit. If running is your passion, then swimming is a great way to work out on recovery days, allowing knees a rest from the pavement.IT’S MUSCLE-LENGTHENING
The benefits of swimming are numerous, significant, and undeniable. If you’re worried about bulking up (which you shouldn’t be), then consider swimming. Swimming combines resistance training with cardio, building lean muscle and boosting your metabolism. It also puts your body through a range of movements, helping your muscles stay long and flexible.IT MAXIMIZES YOUR CARDIO
Swimming is the ultimate aerobic activity. There is more breath control compared to running, thus an increased demand for oxygen, causing your muscles to work harder. As swimming uses so many muscles in the body, the heart and lungs works really hard to supply them all with oxygen. What this means is that, swimming will give your cardiovascular system an excellent workout and as a result of this, you weight lose goal is attainable within the shortest period of time.Swim Workouts for Cardio
Here's a list of Military fitness workouts that you can use to burn more calories.Do sprints/fast swims/kickboard/underwater swims first phase (20-30 minutes) then go to easy pace cardio swims to burn fat at a higher rate the 2nd half of the workout. If you can get anaerobic first and then go aerobic in the later part of the workout, you can focus on fat burning the last 20-30 minutes.
Workout #1
- 5 x 50m sprint freestyle (change strokes as desired)
- Rest with 20 seconds (hydrate if needed)
- 5 x 100m sprints -- any stroke
- Rest 40-60 seconds
The remaining time of your hour, swim at regular pace non-stop for 15-30 minutes
Organize other workouts by adding kickboard / underwater swims too
Workout #2
- 5 x 50-100m sprint/rest with 50m kickboard using flutterkicks
- 5 x 50-100m sprint/rest with 50m kick board using breast or dolphin kick
Swim with fins for 15-30 minutes non-stop
Stretch your legs well as you will feel the burn after kickboarding using flutterkicks.
For more of an upper body pump add in some calisthenics or weights in between laps:
Workout #3
Repeat 5 times
- Swim 100-200m moderate pace
- Pushups - 30 seconds worth of pushups (10-40 reps depending on fitness level)
- Abs of choice - crunches, setups, flutterkicks, leg levers - 1:00 of abs
Workout #4
(Bring a medium and a light weight set of dumbbells to the pool deck)
Repeat 5 times
- Swim 100-200m moderate pace
- Pushups - 10-20
- Crunches - 20-30
- Bicep Curls - 10-20 reps
- *Military Press - 10 reps

Swimming Precautions To Note
Swimming is a great recreational sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. But swimming doesn't come without some risks, such as possible injury and drowning, so it’s important to know how to be safe while you’re in the water.Reduce your risk for injuries and drowning by following a few safety precautions.
Know How to Swim
Avoid Alcohol and Drugs
Lifeguard On Duty
Avoid Bad Weather
Watch Out For Rip Currents
Swim Within Designated Areas
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